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The QuickJS C API

The C API was designed to be simple and efficient. The C API is defined in the header quickjs.h.

Runtime and contexts

JSRuntime represents a JavaScript runtime corresponding to an object heap. Several runtimes can exist at the same time but they cannot exchange objects. Inside a given runtime, no multi-threading is supported.

JSContext represents a JavaScript context (or Realm). Each JSContext has its own global objects and system objects. There can be several JSContexts per JSRuntime and they can share objects, similar to frames of the same origin sharing JavaScript objects in a web browser.


JSValue represents a JavaScript value which can be a primitive type or an object. Reference counting is used, so it is important to explicitly duplicate (JS_DupValue(), increment the reference count) or free (JS_FreeValue(), decrement the reference count) JSValues.

C functions

C functions can be created with JS_NewCFunction(). JS_SetPropertyFunctionList() is a shortcut to easily add functions, setters and getters properties to a given object.

Unlike other embedded JavaScript engines, there is no implicit stack, so C functions get their parameters as normal C parameters. As a general rule, C functions take constant JSValues as parameters (so they don't need to free them) and return a newly allocated (=live) JSValue.


Most C functions can return a JavaScript exception. It must be explicitly tested and handled by the C code. The specific JSValue JS_EXCEPTION indicates that an exception occurred. The actual exception object is stored in the JSContext and can be retrieved with JS_GetException().

Script evaluation

Use JS_Eval() to evaluate a script or module source.

If the script or module was compiled to bytecode with qjsc, it can be evaluated by calling js_std_eval_binary(). The advantage is that no compilation is needed so it is faster and smaller because the compiler can be removed from the executable if no eval is required.

Note: the bytecode format is linked to a given QuickJS version. Moreover, no security check is done before its execution. Hence the bytecode should not be loaded from untrusted sources.

JS Classes

C opaque data can be attached to a JavaScript object. The type of the C opaque data is determined with the class ID (JSClassID) of the object. Hence the first step is to register a new class ID and JS class (JS_NewClassID(), JS_NewClass()). Then you can create objects of this class with JS_NewObjectClass() and get or set the C opaque point with JS_GetOpaque() / JS_SetOpaque().

When defining a new JS class, it is possible to declare a finalizer which is called when the object is destroyed. The finalizer should be used to release C resources. It is invalid to execute JS code from it. A gc_mark method can be provided so that the cycle removal algorithm can find the other objects referenced by this object. Other methods are available to define exotic object behaviors.

The Class ID are allocated per-runtime. The JSClass are allocated per JSRuntime. JS_SetClassProto() is used to define a prototype for a given class in a given JSContext. JS_NewObjectClass() sets this prototype in the created object.

Examples are available in quickjs-libc.c.

C Modules

Native ES6 modules are supported and can be dynamically or statically linked. The standard library quickjs-libc.c is a good example of a native module.

Memory handling

Use JS_SetMemoryLimit() to set a global memory allocation limit to a given JSRuntime.

Custom memory allocation functions can be provided with JS_NewRuntime2().

The maximum system stack size can be set with JS_SetMaxStackSize().

Execution timeout and interrupts

Use JS_SetInterruptHandler() to set a callback which is regularly called by the engine when it is executing code. This callback can be used to implement an execution timeout.

It is used by the command line interpreter to implement a Ctrl-C handler.